Thank you so much for expressing interest in the Brookhaven Town Democratic Committee!
Now, more than ever, the Democrats need to fight to protect and defend our rights. Our work is cut out for us. But we have faced similar challenges in the past and we have prevailed.
We at the BTDC are dedicated to providing all Brookhaven Town residents with the effective, responsive, and transparent government they deserve. The BTDC’s primary purpose is to elect candidates committed to serving our community, promoting progressive values, and fiercely defending the middle class. BTDC members and supporters are as diverse as the community we serve.
We are veterans, fire fighters, police officers, union workers, teachers, professionals, and small business owners who affiliate across generations, cultures, and ethnic background.
Although we are different, we are united in our unwavering commitment to making Brookhaven Town an even greater place to live.If you would like to join us in bringing honest and open government back to Brookhaven please email me at [email protected]. I will email or snail mail a BTDC membership application form for you to complete. You will also be included on our town committee email list informing you of on-going events.
I hope you will join us in helping build an inclusive, grassroots Democratic Party. Together, we can make a positive difference across Brookhaven Town!
If you'd like to make a contribution to the BTDC, any amount is greatly appreciated. DONATE HERE.
Warmest Regards,
Anthony Portesy,
BTDC Chair
BTDC HQ Phone #:631-689-7315