
Anthony Portesy
Superintendent of Highways

I'm Anthony Portesy, Democratic Candidate for Brookhaven Town Highway Superintendent. In 2017, my grassroots campaign shook up the political establishment. Walking door to door meeting thousands of Brookhaven residents from the Centereach to Center Moriches resulted in meeting many voters who are disenchanted with the Highway Department leadership. Almost 40,000 voters from all political stripes supported me in my efforts to bring transparency to our government.

Our work didn’t end in 2017 and many of the changes I fought for have not been implemented by Mr. Losquadro. Our roads are falling apart from his election of cheap "mill and fill" repave projects with subpar asphalt that crumbles up almost as fast as it is paved. Our drainage basins are overloaded with refuse from illegal dumping and our snow removal has zero accountability!

I’m running again in 2019 because the government works for you, not the other way around and Mr. Losquadro seems to have forgotten this key tenet of public service. I will continue to fight for all 483,000 residents to protect your tax dollars and ensure that our infrastructure is rebuilt right the first time. There’s no excuse for a road to start falling apart 18 months after it is repaved.

I hope that you will support me, Anthony Portesy, on November 7th. Together, we can build a better, brighter future for Brookhaven.

Website: http://anthonyportesy.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/portesyhighway
Facebook: http://facebook.com/portesyforhighway
Instagram: http://instagram.com/portesyforhighway
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6BcI2W2fLE