You may apply for an absentee ballot in any of the following ways
- Electronically through the NY Absentee Application Portal at
- By sending an email request to the Suffolk County BoE at [email protected]
- By sending a fax request to the Suffolk County BoE at 631.852.4590
- By going in-person to the Suffolk County BoE at 700 Yaphank Avenue, Yaphank NY 11980
- By sending a letter to the Suffolk County BoE at PO Box 700, Yaphank NY 11980-0700
- By mailing a paper application to your local county board of elections:
- Download English Form (539KB PDF)
- Download Spanish Form (521KB PDF)
Upon completion, applications must be mailed to your county board no later than the seventh day before the election or delivered in person no later than the day before the election.
Letters, emails, and faxes to the Suffolk County Board of Elections must contain the following information:
- Name and date of birth of the voter
- Address where the voter is registered
- Address where the ballot is to be sent
- Reason for the request (you may specify "temporary illness," which is a valid COVID-19 excuse according to NY State)
When applying via letter, email, or fax, an application form will be mailed with your ballot. The application form must be completed and returned with your ballot.
If you cannot pick up your ballot, or cannot receive it through the mail, you have the right to designate someone on your application to pick it up for you. Only that person designated on your application may pick up and deliver your ballot.
If you are permanently ill or disabled, you have the right to receive an Absentee Ballot for each subsequent election without further application. Simply file an application with your county board of elections indicating permanent illness or physical disability.
You will then automatically receive an absentee ballot for every election until your registration is canceled.
If you are a voter with special needs, you may also apply for an accessible absentee ballot using the Accessible Absentee Ballot Application (128KB PDF).
- Once your receive the ballot, mark the ballot according to your choices for each office following the instructions on the ballot.
- Once you have completed marking your ballot fold it up and place it in the Security Envelope. (This envelope will have a place for your signature.)
- Sign and date the outside of the Security Envelope.
- Seal the Security Envelope.
- Place the Security Envelope in the Return Envelope. (This envelope will have the return address of your county Board of Elections on the outside and should have a logo that reads, “Official Election Mail”)
- Seal the Return Envelope.
- You may return the ballot in any of the following ways:
- Put it in the mail ensuring it receives a postmark no later than November 3rd.
- Bring it to the County Board of Elections Office no later than November 3rd.
- Bring it to an early voting poll site between October 24th and November 1st.
- Bring it to a poll site on November 3rd.
When mailing your completed ballot, the USPS recommends that voters allow enough time for ballots to be returned to the Board, which is generally seven days ahead of the general election. New York State requires your ballot to be both postmarked by November 3, 2020 and received by our Board by November 10, 2020. Voters who mail in their ballots on Election Day must be aware of the posted collection times on collection boxes and at the Postal Service’s retail facilities, and that ballots entered after the last posted collection time will not be postmarked until the following business day.
CD-1 Congressional Candidate, Nancy Goroff, wants to make sure that everyone in Suffolk County knows how to vote in this election. Her intrepid communications intern Matt Parker made an informative video on how you can vote in Suffolk County. Take a look!
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